Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Emerald Curtain

How great the days turning to night… passing gently if not swiftly.
How great the smiles turning to fight… moving on swiftly if not gently.
Bumpy roads
Rocking cradle
Fear of life
Without a label
Looking to a memory that is no longer true…
Even if the thoughts of past are a part of you
Forward thinking
So unseemly
Living on hope and borrowed time
I will choose to dance like wild children
And watch the world burn
Rather than stand before the scythe
Waiting for my turn
What was
Is no longer
What will be
The present so confusing
Behind the emerald curtain.
Do not cry for the past that did not last
Do not scan the horizon for the answer
It could be happiness…
Or a disaster
Made of cancer.
Look at the light in the eyes of wild children dancing on a world left burning
Happy or sad angry or dead the world will keep on turning.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just A Thought

What a way to start the day
Just another show for me
Grinning at the new beginning
Rise and shine dying man
Step your death
To a beautiful dance
And whistle your last breath
Smile or cry its all the same
We all leave as we came...