Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Memory of Sleepy Children

How can something so empty, make my chest constricted

Drifting freely on the canvas, thoughts come so conflicted

To this feeling, the righteous child, anger so addictive

Long for peace, the future spoke, when all my pain is lifted

But all my childish words of 'I'

dance naked upon my tattered heart

Little whispers that sleep with 'lie'

Entrance my mind from the start

Devilish little lighthearted 'why?'

Rifts the soul and peace apart

Even when it's names 'divine'

Self serving mind, oh so smart…

What can come after sleepy children laid to rest?

A bed of pain to sleep in, disaster pulled to chest

Dreams of painted faces, a present unconfessed

Awakened by a memory, of peaceful, cold unrest

But all my childish words will die

With lies I choose to build them

Growing deep inside my mind

A prophecy… should I fulfill them

The little whispers heard were mine

Reality being what killed them

Trapped inside of heart and time

The memories of sleepy children…