Monday, August 9, 2010

American Dreamer

A new page a new day new rage we gotta pay attention and listen to all the bitchin and moanin of announcers on radio shows dictating how my morning goes… drink some coffee to drown my woes im in the throws of those that just don’t know how real life goes... So here we go... A little bit of truth in a cup no sugar and no creamer here is a story of how I used to be an American dreamer...

Trapped in the bracket of 30 to 50k attacks too little to be ok… too much to for a stimulus package… I'm trapped in mediocrity... Traffic got me savagely pursuing dreams not based upon reality...

Thank you government for making this a great time to get fired... I should expire my career and retire... Maybe I should flash my dick at my boss real quick watch him shit a brick of money right before he fires me yeah that’s funny... Coast on unemployment... For 6 months all the while someone else foots the bill for my life style ... Sit back and smile... They gonna extend my benefits for an extra few miles as I pretend to get a job online yeah I could do that and be fine... As American's drink the blood of their work force like wine... I worked hard and got a raise but when it came time to get paid I made less cash after the government came... Because ...

I'm trapped in the bracket of 30 to 50k attacks too little to be ok… too much to for a stimulus package… I'm trapped in mediocrity... Traffic got me savagely pursuing dreams not based upon reality...

Maybe I can sling rock on the street to make ends meet give my kids some socks and keep new shoes on their feet... Many consider this thought for the weak... But those mother fuckers don't live in my reality. A single father family you can't fathom my catastrophe I'm resigned to be and designed to be... Diligent. Finger prints on blue prints planning my next trip to wic praying to God I don’t get sick because one little slip and that’s the end of it precariously balanced on the edge of the economy existing in a nation of dichotomy... Because...

I'm trapped in the bracket of 30 to 50k attacks too little to be ok… too much to for a stimulus package… I'm trapped in mediocrity... Traffic got me savagely pursuing dreams not based upon reality...