Friday, October 8, 2010

Band-Aids for Heart

Some times I feel taken for granted
which I guess is the cost of being a hopeless romantic
I get frantic at the thought of us creating static
or making a bad habit out of the emotionally tragic

its sad to last this long and go down with out a fight
years of loving you... All destroyed in one night...
Two souls in a hurricane stumbling forward just to get blown back
and it’s a fact that the passion we had could last all night
just to wake in the morning and it go out like a light.
In my mind we are two halves of the same dime
tight rope walking along the edges of both lines
coin flipping to mirror the image of same sides…
indifferent whispers of "yes love… its fine"

I can't take this stress... this cold heartedness...
the push back of black indifference has me vexed
beyond imagining white flags and black gag's keep the soul from singing
wake me demon I'm sure my love is dreaming
comatose romance silently screaming
out to you echoing along the edges of NOT-A-DAMN THING
but me heavily breathing...

The resentment is evident displaying a prevalence of silent nights like Christmas
how long before one of us says we're not with it? Walk away now forget this... lets end this quick
before its too late to accept this...

Its not fair. Its not right. To keep these kids awake all night...
wishing for a band aid for the heart…
so they can repair the damage before it all falls apart…
isn't it funny… how a in the mind of a child…
the thoughts are powerful and yet so wild
a band aid fixes everything…
peroxide and gauze
a quick kiss to move on with just cause...
or maybe we could all walk it off… eat a little ice cream. That'll fix everything...

right daddy?... Right daddy? right... daddy….?...

Wild minds slip off to bleak dream rocked to sleep by broken glass, love lost, and screaming...