Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Morning Mourning

My world in turmoil

Lost again to the dark

Walking in late night revelry

Thoughts of you won't let me be

Worry free

This mind of three

Worry me

My heart held fast

By the shadow that walks

To my right side

Danger in the light to the left

Down that road to happiness

Brief and undeserved of real

Smiling secret

My heart held still

By the beginning

Of a new day

Put away

And locked away

Waiting for the sun to fade

Hoping things will never change

By the days progressive stage

Walking aware with midnight sightless

Until the return of daylights blindness

And the chance

Of death to silence

Death to kindness

May be lost

To the spirit of morning

May be lost

To your spirit of mourning...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Does absence make the heart grow fonder?
In the cold silence of my life I wonder.
As the bed sheets cool from.....
.....your absence
and your familiar smell grows faint.
Your warmth.....
.....just a memory

imprinted upon our shared pillow
and our combined fragrance erased
by stale cigarettes and salty sadness
The very ghost.....
.....of our
forgotten existence.
I dream of breathing….
Taking a deep breath,
as you exhale yours.
Sharing life and its flavor.
I feel you inside of me.
So very.....
So very.....
Letting go of you I awake
To inhale only dust
and long forgotten shadows.
I smell only smoke
as the fires in my heart
fade away with your.....

Live With Yourself

Is it dark where you are?
hard to see your pain
Does it make you happy
To witness loves last rain
The Sky cannot ignore me
Forever lost is sadness
In your heart you see me
through the eyes of madness
Burn me down with twisted lies
drive my heart into your darkness
Fuel my desire with your hate
in the face of what is real
intangible unmovable fate
Tell her how I really feel
like you know
which only goes to show
your color
never you just the other
tell her dad and tell her mother
how I'm bad like you
and bad like her
because you were never sure
playing with lives like we didn't matter
I'll be on the other side
wondering what you were thinking
when you created your dreams
achieving your nightmare
blaming me for what went wrong
cause you couldn't hear our song
with the lusty moans of your existence
playing through your ears
forgetting all your fears
is it dark where you are?
With out the light of a second lover
never you just the other
your true color
lies undercover
the only change you ever made
was the bed you refused to lie in
and now I hear you crying
out to me and out to her
but do you really know for sure
what it takes to lie in light
just to roll over on another night
How much longer
before I become your prop?
My heart was breaking
but you wouldn't stop.
Too curious to see your lie
playing lives like we were flies
what did you expect from hurt
am I to bury my heart in dirt
Just to let you live again
when all you ever wanted
Was a piece of me and a piece of her
Cause you were never sure
Is it dark where you are?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Is It Dark?

Send my thoughts to you
the void that echo's my soul
Relive the pictures inside my head
for now we stand alone
the infinite and last light shone
and we are here…
Finally something more than dream
with nothing more to hate
is it dark where you are?
Have the people changed?
It makes me happy you're so strange
and in my darkest hour
I hold onto flame
burning me gently
devouring those that stand near