Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I’m Tired…

Tired I am…


In my soul I'm weary…


Tired of holding on to something insubstantial…


Tired of thinking that I may be special…


Tired of missing…

…you, the truth, satisfaction, an angry reaction…

…festers and pours along my skin enveloping all of me in misery…


I'm tired of my mind too strong to control…

…my thoughts running like small children before the dinner call…


…tired of last calls… burned up cigar wrappers… and empty shot glasses…


…tired of the masses,

I want something fresh something new, something interesting, something true, I want something besides the memory of you…


…tired of only feeling the emptiness of where my heart used to be…


To be free… is to be lonely… to be in love… is to be disappointed… to be alive is to be dying…. and all smiles eventually lead to crying.


I'm tired….

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