Friday, October 23, 2009

The Monotony Got To Me

Chaotic Virgo:

How can I survive in this life of second guessing
Having to deal with all of this strife has got me stressing
I think I just need some time to stop me from regressing
Into this monotony of rot I'm not confessing

Droning along quietly, smiling, painted plastic lying
Keeping anger hid deep inside me, but now its blindly riding
Along the path to necrotic mind crawling inside me dying
It was gnawing softly coming darkly and surprising

Simply smooth, lubing the encroaching and embarking doom
With no room but to let loose anytime, but I know its probably soon
Come and see, the silence dying, before my angers free
It will be, quite a sight to those who sit close to me…


This anger so vicious inside of me
Growing larger than life
Quite violently
This life stress
Thoughts of suicidal tendencies
I got to confess
My life has me vexed
Wondering whats left
Wondering how I can live my life righteously
The con me thinks otherwise

Tired of life
Crying holding back the sighs
My life hasn\'t been pretty
Actually its been pretty fukin ugly

Trying to lose some of this anger
Trying wanting to take my knife slit my wrist
Becoming part of my therapist suicide list

I can\'t let anyone close to me
Cause the last person that was close to me
Had me feeling so un-pretty
Had me think my loving was his key
Fuck this shyt Its time to slice deep
Or should I talk about that .480 I keep
Rite to my temple
Fucked up mental

Chaotic Virgo:

The cold circumference
Of steel forged death
Enveloping my countenance
How did life to come to this
I wouldn't miss
the anger, rage, and constant stress
That’s why I quit
Pull the trigger into promised bliss

But let us see
Deep beyond the boundary of imagining
Even my own anger is astounding me
Its grounding me
But losing sight of those around me

Awareness sleeps and anger wakes
Another opportunity
To remake my fate
And I must…
Unless I get caught up in too late
And stand naked at the late gate

I can destroy you before I go
For long absent fathers
Female collars
And monotonous stagnant waters
I'll kill all of you…


Fuk fate and the promise of tomorrow
Hanging by a thread
Swallowing pills
Sick thoughts manifesting in my head
My brain has me thinking
I am absolutely insane

All this tragedy that surrounds me
I a walking Murphys law
If anything can go wrong, it will, and it will happen at the worst possible time
That\'s me... a walking headline

Head hung low
Anger consumes me
This anger causing riots inside of my body
Thoughts manifesting
Wanting to do the most evil thangs
Sticking up Niccas with my pretty face
Set up dudes
Taking the bait

So tired of men looking @ me
Saying this bytch is so fly so fukin pretty
What about who I am, the promise of what can be
Shyt makes me fukin angry

What ever happen to mind body and soul and reality
Fuk that let me bring out the Connary
Take this blade
Stick it deep in that rib cage
Take this clip
I\'m running deep in your shyt

See I need this money
Fuk that my daughter ain\'t going hungry
Sensible as niccas
Costumes as niccas
Fuk playing Romper Room as players

U see I have real problems
Like Jay a bytch ain\'t one
I\'m about to clap back and take all that shyt son

Like spot you better run...
This anger is about to cause a National Catastrophe
walk the streets silently...waiting

Chaotic Virgo:

Shit storming whirl winded violence
Rocks all my good thoughts to silence
She left just because I couldn't buy this?
Where's my mind cause I don’t know where to find it
And speaking of angry waters…
This bitch took my money, my house
And my son and daughter
Leaving me the lonely father
And what's bad is she don't even want em
Won't even let me call them…
My screams hurled on deaf walls
As the phone rings with
More collection calls
So now I scream
Pulling my hair for so long
I'm Mr. Clean
With no dreams
I'm so tired of imagining
That I live a life worth while
As long as I pretend
She would stay for awhile
Just fake it and smile
With a throat full of bile
I curse you a mile
No coming back I'm fine
Cause lady...
When I'm killing anger with rhyme
I will


This is anger
This is not sorrow
Be careful
Of this rage you can't follow
Unless you wanna make front page
Of the news paper tomorrow…

"Last night a bitch got shot
by a man who got caught
Up in monotonous rot
Police say he's crazy
Unpredictable and angry"
Screaming at spectators
Not one of you can save me!"

Friday, October 9, 2009

Born To Lie

You lied to me…

After all of this… you lied to me…

I thought I saw you, but the truth was blind to me

Now I just don't know what to do with you…

Why was I so quick to think that you were different?

Now I feel my heart is sick my mind has got me twisted.

I tasted joy with all you were, seasoned to perfection.

With all that's gone I was so sure of my hearts direction.

Blinded by the lies you told I wander within my sorrow.

How could you be oh so bold with a heart that was only borrowed?

Worn and weak by similar fates you chose to be a reminder.

I guess I love to prove I'm lost, knowing I will never find her.

How could I expect anything more than exactly what I received?

Confusion, pain, rage inside, not knowing what to believe.

But for all my fears and weakness shown I plaster on a smile.

This pain today is gone tomorrow lasting but awhile.

I will learn to walk again a scar upon my heart.

With experience I can carry on better from the start.