Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chasing Dreams In The Night

Running from the image of you
chasing a dream so dark
it seems the light is escaping
leaping shadows
pass in front of my heart
making me doubt
the existence of dawn

because its been so long...
since I looked into honest eyes.

been so long...
since I've seen clear skies.

and its been so long...
since I felt your surprise.

when all love has ever been
was a clever disguise
for rage building inside
corrupting our hearts and minds
blinding us to the irony

of our catastrophe
the beauty and the mastery
of life's intricately woven tapestry
and fraying at the ends of my sanity

is my desire to be set free
from the demons that haunt me
images from a past that forgot me...


I just want to be...



All I hear are the echoes
of the dripping of memories
pooling and shifting...
into the very being of me...

whispers of clearing skies
whispers of love and giving
all my believing meaning
while I search beyond scars and seeing
that there is nothing here worth keeping
just forward moving leaving
needless junk in heaping
piles of tears, hopes, and bleeding...
Who needs them?
I stagger forward toward
a dim ray of light
while shadows pass
crossing my sight
head bent forward
I tread on dark night
never stumbling in my fight

...boxing shadows in my flight...
...away from you...
...while chasing my dreams in the night....

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