Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Longing Indifference

Give into this emotional reverence of ego minded chaos

Rising inside you tormenting your look

Keep on saying you love

Until it just becomes something you think you should say

Like its an apology

Like those three words can somehow erase the damage done by the outbursts that come uncontrolled from deep within your soul…

Tell me you'll leave

Tell me you'll roll

Just to see how the words take hold

Waiting for the tears to fall to some how justify your reason for being

Hurt me by staying or hurt me by leaving

Poison is poison

No matter what glass you put it in

I drink it down so it can begin again

Here are the tears I'll never show you

Here are the lies I never told you

Here is the anger I never let loose

Braid them together to form a noose

Hang me with my own emotions

But why me?

Why choose me who was already hurting

Make me smile make me laugh

Then mark irony on the epitaph

Cause I got built up to get shot down

Breaking promises only I can hear

Taking away all of my fear

Only to replace it with a false security of longing indifference

Like I said…

I love…

But can I finish the sentence?

With all the emotion and all of the pain

When lightning crashes and tears fall like rain

Will this be the proof you need to close the case?

Do I have to feel this for you to know

That everything I live for is only a show

For how much I love you?

I won't look passed you

Only above you.

Praying to a god I know never cared

Hoping my mind can align itself with truth

The truth to me the truth to you

An honest portrait

Of an honest love renewed

A time warp back to when I didn't know

A time before the curtain opened

And the show began

Reliving the reruns

Of smiling ignorance

Heart whispering thoughts

Protected by fence

Walls without gates

Lives without fates

Just two people enjoying

the slow inevitable dying

Making the most out of quietly smiling

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