Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reflecting Anger (Lyrical Ignorance Part II)

I'm tired of all of these pussy poet queefs
who think the shit that comes outta their mouths don’t stink
when your pen is weak
don't call that ink
just turn the other cheek and leave
be diseased and DIE SLOW

your words won't blow
you just don’t know
what it takes to show
a little fuckin integrity

ill shit on you haters
like butt sex while you're constipated
you'll never make it…
I fucked these pages young like Kobe

ain't heard of me yet
but goddamn it you'll know me
before this pen gets old and out grows me
I'll infect you bitches like STD's then make your wife blow me!

My inks run cold B
don’t pretend that you know me
I'm off my rocker...
fucked up enough to give your grandmamma the shocka

like cocaine and baking soda I'll rock ya
you'll need the spirit of god to keep me off ya
CV so alphabetically improper
writing stanzas ill sing my ABS's to the rhythms of me stompin ya,

A to the face
B another taste
C will erase

any memories of you dissin me…
one erotic drop and you wont stop kissin me…
reprogram your thoughts to walk and talk like an agnostic Tupac in anarchy…

I'll have you writin for me
my zombies of me on strings
you wont breathe when you leaves g's
to be free from me or maybe...

you were just a little too quick to pen…
think quick or your shit might get kicked again
stay the fuck off my dick and then
there's a possibility that we can be friends again...

as soon as you clean up my rubble
remove the hair from your knuckles
stand up straight pull your pants up and buckle
walk off this beating and stay the fuck outta trouble.

With every word I write you force my pen...

I feel so unevolved
nothing can be resolved
when I write so uninvolved
with the problems in life that I caused…

make no mistake there is no right here… only wrong... this ink forces my spirit to grieve and leave and now...

...long gone...

Sexually Addicted To YOU

Am I diseased?
Am I sick softened by wanting so often?
A deviant...
A sick trick
who needs to get over it
And change…
made lame by playing a never ending game of shame

Disappointment the ointment
that greases the wheels
of a truck load of broken hearts
tear me apart from your silence
or roll over in violence and dream on…

No denying the passion is gone
how can I be wrong
when its been so long since... We kissed
With any deliverance of flame...
touch being taken out of context
as you place blame
together in name
it'll never be the same as the time
I looked into your eyes
and saw the world laid before me
and the pain of the road left behind me
a contrast that didn’t last
a promise that time tested
and failed to pass
this shit went by way too fast
how can I say this you ask?
When the best sex we ever had
was on broken glass...
Don’t be crass
I'll go 50/50 on your ass and split it
what would make you think that I was good with it?

Displaying lethargy no passion ...

I panic... go schizophrenic … Laura Marling, I'm manic & 'I' just can't stand it but I really gotta hand it to you I won't demand it and you know I gotta have it I'm an attic to this static take me to rehab to keep me outta those pants...

but sometimes this shit is whack…

Gotta put my name tat on your back and do me...

Its Just.
Too much.
For us.
To let.
This trust.
Go bust.
We must.
Give up.
Of us.
To let.
Our love.
Rise above.
This lust.
And be free…

Friday, June 18, 2010

Roller Coaster Holocaust

We are all so concerned over effect instead of the cause
Why face our demons when we can blame it on god?
He killed my brother just to test my faith
Lets recoil from the truth before its too late...

Rescinding to dream I scream for a reality without cream
Without the need for greed just the ability to feed my seed
I chose a design that's mine to see a picture looked on blindly
And it works just fine for me, with versatility I see that we will never be free
From thought based realities intertwined within infinities

And from the corners of my mind marked by slit wrists...
I will break through the borders of my thoughts like split wigs

From the scars imprinted upon my heart like war paint
I thought I could deliver myself from reason but no I can't

The truth… as it is seen… is too tasty to let my heart leave
The safety net of my reasoning into the formless mix of my inner being

I look beyond… but is seeing really believing?
Or just more lies to wake up from... Dreaming
My near sighted eyes shut tight to see 20/20
envisioning love instead of money I find it funny
that in the shadows of my minds most abysmal failings…
I never see the lack in the wake of life... Trailing
Behind me like a white flag screaming "catch me to enslave me..."
these thought forms were sent to fake and remake me…
separate me… from the clarity I once knew as a baby... Its crazy
How even as a child I knew no angel would save me
Just more demons in thought forms I've created
An egoic nature and a failure to escape them
A human existence with a soul for the raping

The ride goes on… but somebody take me
Off of this roller coaster holocaust
on a one way track but still I'm lost
Within shinning smiles of lies embossed
upon a society of criss crossed Christians enduring sinful living
on public access stations aired across nations…

promoting a saint wearing gold paint
on gold chains emboldened to flame
our true god becomes gold idols on coffee tables
and choking the necks of false profits…
ignorant gods living in madness
trapped within the daily habit of daily sadness
and I've been on the ride too long…

I can't stand this…

it was fun for awhile so exciting I smiled until tired...
Someone stop the ride I tried to hang on to long...
I'm spiritually fried inside of my mind

I cried out to you... but I Heard... Only... Me...

I'm free! From thought based realities, disease, and the desire to be free...
From running thoughts resembling dark rushing seas of brief reprieves...
No longer will I suffer the indignity of your holy trinity

when the result is forcing me to be...

Good like you...
Or bad like me...

You See?

Monday, June 14, 2010

They called it programming lol

I drive… do you drive?
Hypocrisy runs rampant in lies
flying to protests in airplane lined skies
how can any of us dare to deny
the blames on all our shoulders…
we drive and pelicans die...
we shed a few tears
then off to work we drive to survive.
But protesting negligence
wont solve any of this shit...
You drove to a protest?
About oil drilling negligence... Really?
That’s like protesting mickie d's
for promoting obesity...
While eating a big mac double meat
and add cheese... Bitch please...
How can you bring the sea turtles back
with hypocrisy unchecked
its not an accusation just cold honest fact...
If we didn’t drive then they wouldn’t drill
everyone of us is looking for a need to fulfill
and some one to pay for it
turn me into a slave for pay checks...
Stained decks...
And houses full of entertainment sets.
Rock your children to sleep by the glow of "sin"
but instead of S-I-N
I spell it C-N-N
because where does all of this hatred stem?
if not in the subconscious dreams of America's children
falling asleep in the arms of frightened citizens
while we wage war on domestic terrorism.
God Bless America but fuck the government
these greasy politicians can suck my fucking dick
turn the gulf of Mexico into an oil slick
then promote your terror while America is watchin it
40 people died by suicide in spite of it
this is why we cant deny the lives we forfeited
Media promoting to a state of ignorance