Friday, June 18, 2010

Roller Coaster Holocaust

We are all so concerned over effect instead of the cause
Why face our demons when we can blame it on god?
He killed my brother just to test my faith
Lets recoil from the truth before its too late...

Rescinding to dream I scream for a reality without cream
Without the need for greed just the ability to feed my seed
I chose a design that's mine to see a picture looked on blindly
And it works just fine for me, with versatility I see that we will never be free
From thought based realities intertwined within infinities

And from the corners of my mind marked by slit wrists...
I will break through the borders of my thoughts like split wigs

From the scars imprinted upon my heart like war paint
I thought I could deliver myself from reason but no I can't

The truth… as it is seen… is too tasty to let my heart leave
The safety net of my reasoning into the formless mix of my inner being

I look beyond… but is seeing really believing?
Or just more lies to wake up from... Dreaming
My near sighted eyes shut tight to see 20/20
envisioning love instead of money I find it funny
that in the shadows of my minds most abysmal failings…
I never see the lack in the wake of life... Trailing
Behind me like a white flag screaming "catch me to enslave me..."
these thought forms were sent to fake and remake me…
separate me… from the clarity I once knew as a baby... Its crazy
How even as a child I knew no angel would save me
Just more demons in thought forms I've created
An egoic nature and a failure to escape them
A human existence with a soul for the raping

The ride goes on… but somebody take me
Off of this roller coaster holocaust
on a one way track but still I'm lost
Within shinning smiles of lies embossed
upon a society of criss crossed Christians enduring sinful living
on public access stations aired across nations…

promoting a saint wearing gold paint
on gold chains emboldened to flame
our true god becomes gold idols on coffee tables
and choking the necks of false profits…
ignorant gods living in madness
trapped within the daily habit of daily sadness
and I've been on the ride too long…

I can't stand this…

it was fun for awhile so exciting I smiled until tired...
Someone stop the ride I tried to hang on to long...
I'm spiritually fried inside of my mind

I cried out to you... but I Heard... Only... Me...

I'm free! From thought based realities, disease, and the desire to be free...
From running thoughts resembling dark rushing seas of brief reprieves...
No longer will I suffer the indignity of your holy trinity

when the result is forcing me to be...

Good like you...
Or bad like me...

You See?

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