Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Egoic Kaleidoscope

Tired of my pen being corrupted in the name of egoic pride
I choose to survive by the vibes that I live by
inside of my mind I deliver my word in good time

and normally...

it comes out just fine…
but lately…
things have been a little less saintly...

and all my castles crumbled on wet ink,
painting pictures as shattered dreams escape me

silent screams of misery take me to new designs of cryptic creating that mirror the same things depicted when making an ass of yourself while doing great things...

Cuz you see...

I've walked down the road of good intentions only to receive a rash from the back lash of self righteous indignation coming to task on my ass...

Haha "Pride" it seems... Is still a 'lie' I can't 'truth' away...

Still a beast I struggle to keep caged as it feasts on the morality that god gave...

Why I gotta be better?
When I was just fine before I had you to compare...
How is my work less polished?
How is my shine a little dimmer?

When I was at my best when I was by myself,

spinning in black holes
grinning at death like we just met and...
sinning my life away...

On that slip and slide of life with two kaleidoscopes over my eyes pressed tight...

(As I am the observer of beautiful forms...)

My binoculars to another world sliding at night... Faster and faster... Feel wet water and sun light

licking my senses as I pass from one world to the next...

...With a grin on my face...

How's that taste?

As I grant you images of Denis the Menace's sliding and slipping along your senses with thought forms and sentences...

Collide-OH-scoping 2 worlds eloping when you join me on my journey of me...

...Just for a little while we can be free...
...But only a moment and no more...

The journey down my slip and slide can leave your ass sore
as you bump and bounce and slide some more...

Down the path that isn't yours... Until you collide with an onyx door...

Can you survive my metaphor? Good. Because the ride has come to an end and you are faced with a choice my friends...

Open... Or ...Go

we all come to the clearing at the end of the path the ride was fun but could not last as all of our scars are windows to past until we are transparent incased in glass...

Even the clearing is fun for awhile
replaying dreams to remember and smile

but sooner or later we come to the choice...
Fade to nothing a dream on your voice...

...or erase the past...




Biblical Rape... What Can I Say?

I won't spend long on the haters I already got your bodies stacked up cuz you got smacked up and cracked the fuck up I car jacked ya while you were dyin' in an ambulance yeah I was that bad to ya

I passed ya like we was playin pole position you get a few stars but im a fuckin' solar system so bitch listen

I'm stephen hawking and this is my theory of rhythmic musing this is my mission in an alphabet of my choosing I'm abusing the right to free speech I speak volumes of truth for those who seek, who breathe, who live to achieve the right to be free or just individually BE

....|||| ....

imagine you’re a robber on a snatch and grab and I'm the father with 3 kids and a glad bag I slide it over your black mask and have you gasp and grab at my hand wont leave it to the courts for a reprimand and have you released to plan another attack on true American's fuck the terrorists in Afghanistan we got killers right here in our "Promised" lands you understand? Got Damn

....|||| ....

Or think about the little boys growing up in convents and used like little toys thinking it was God's choice coming from the voice of those vigorously employed by the sinless steeple of God's chosen people the keepers of evil the deceiver of believers wearing black sleepers and bleached collars imprisoned to your old bitch your DOG-ma as you touch and corrupt imposing as a father to the bastard children of God's followers...

And GOVERNMENT how the fuck did they go without punishment? And no one stopped to throw a fit? Just move them to a secluded convent and that’s the end of it? Hahaha ya'll mutha fuckas a trip... But you can still get bent or get bit by the poisonous tip of my pen and eat shit with a shovel right before I use it to bury the corruptible


What? Did what I say stir up trouble, burst your bubble, leave your beliefs swimming in rubble? Look in my eyes with your hand out see if I give a shit... I meant every bit of it just give me the pro-molesting side of the argument and I'll quit… let you have your 2 cents to vent as I place pennies over your lids to pay the boat man his tip for the long trip to Hades live in flame after you make like Kirk Kobain and drain all of your life away... what the fuck else can I say??...


Friday, July 9, 2010

Painting Pictures

Redemption for the ignorant I wouldn’t have spent one minute on this shit without knowing my need to repent the nonsense and dis-spell the bulshyt

because if my pen doesn’t ring true to me then I'm through with poetry cant coach me or approach me to pen out scribes laced with lies when my ink writes from deep inside of me...

A mirror pool of pain reflecting my mind in vain knowing you wouldn’t listen but it’s all the same as my thoughts are still pretending there is a line between sinful living and the scribes I keep on penning...

There is no winning, no reward, no prize that g's is giving just a free piece of me served in a three piece on sheets of bloodied paper dressed to kill stressed I will instill the aroma of truth like pills for a coma

I got my diploma in free speech a graduate of misery, heart break, and infamy... hatred don't speak to me... let me be free in formless seas as I breathe...

as I breathe...

and I breathe deep the imagining and I sing to the holy trinity as if it were a part of me... Even though its apart from me... I start to see...

the benefits of a truth in ignorance...

A painted picture for the blind to read in scripture a fixture to see the truth inside of fiction but the definition is lacking the essence of expression giving the impression that your beliefs need direction when this is all just an infection of madness...

An ignorant truth to keep the sheep from sadness as they walk down their paths to salvation a nation with a bad habit needing a middle man to help them understand it

but the price of a souls inflation can be measured by a societies degradation as the broker fees for your sinful needs break the bonds of infamy and rest squarely on the devils knees as all the believers are receivers of a spanking...

Who dies without regret? Who passes without remorse? Who follows their course without eating more than their 4 courses with reasonable recourse?

Painted pictures finding loop holes in nature if you can't read it why not fake it?... I'd rather take the bull by the horns and remake it and fuck money... I'd rather be funny and imagine the devil as a fat bunny...

Hell... since we're finger painting why make Satan the essence of hatred? Why not rainbows, and pots of gold, women only 18 years old, and fresh beer that’s cold... As long as you're painting pictures... why not be bold?

I Speak Evil (Lyrical Ignorance Part III)

Like a frozen turd you heard bitch this 'shit is cold'...

a little more metaphor I found my pen heartless in a blizzard and left butt naked by an ice wizard killed by chillie willie and raped by Jack Frost without a condom on with a prosthetic pair of witches titties strapped on this shit is long gone its way passed wrong… if wrong was a flavor of ice cream served in Antarctica...

that fly girl that just wont talk wit ya…

bitch you better have a slick wit or this pen is comin' to stick it in ya mind bend ya over and over again my lines spin ya

like cocaine in your brain my self proclaimed prophecy to blame when you were here in name only

a poetic phony, a fraudulent fake, a photoshoped copy you tried to be but you're NOT me and if you don't like me then bitch DROP me

hit the ignore button or somethin' move on gruntin' im stuntin' with my slick bic roller ballin' killin' all of ya'll like the boulder from Indiana Jones its over… or maybe just O-V because you'll be in E-R when I come through slowly flattening your lines with mine

your rhymes were straight laced I'm pennin' mace to your face you cant see me or taste the motha fuckin' flavor now make haste with your alphabet waste or you gonna be late to the onyx gates of hate

There's just no stoppin' me...

Pennin' off the top of my rock I wont stop to unblock your cock from Tu Pac's HIPs and definitely not the HOP as all you bunny rabbits start a bad habit out of eatin' carrots from the claws of a predator...

I'm el matador of this experiment killin syllaBULLs and BULLshit ill never quit when this worlds so full of hypocrites and I'll be the first to admit this is ignorant but the intelligent shit just wasn’t a fit for this chick I'm pissed...

just don’t start somethin' bitch if you ain't prepared to finish it.

I'm about to do the flutterwagon on your ass I'm Mad Hatter... I had her...you're in wonderland and how sad...Cuz Realities gonna sting when it crash lands on your ass and I'm glad... open up your blind eyes to an understanding you never had and how is a raven like my pen hand you ask? I put a little Poe in my poetry you've been had...

I'm a riddler with no answer the word dancer I hurt slow but bitch I write faster my stanzas are so fuckin' bad they cause cancer be careful the surgeon generals comin' hear that snare drummin'? better start runnin' I just don’t care cousin... Leave me with nothing and I still got more than a pair of you fuckin' dirty bakers dozens

You fakers wasn't makin' nothin' of a difference until I take your sentence and subtract the facts from your tracks you got catarax if you think you'll see me lookin back at ya I'll eat your lies and spit it back at ya scribble out the truth and bitch slap ya while im in a straight jacket im the insane mack attack on the comeback from flack and you spit whack shit.

But let me redeem me with a little post script to my floetry... My ignorance in motion to calm loving oceans and seas of deep imagining I breathe... And I breathe... And I breathe...

To Be Continued....