Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Biblical Rape... What Can I Say?

I won't spend long on the haters I already got your bodies stacked up cuz you got smacked up and cracked the fuck up I car jacked ya while you were dyin' in an ambulance yeah I was that bad to ya

I passed ya like we was playin pole position you get a few stars but im a fuckin' solar system so bitch listen

I'm stephen hawking and this is my theory of rhythmic musing this is my mission in an alphabet of my choosing I'm abusing the right to free speech I speak volumes of truth for those who seek, who breathe, who live to achieve the right to be free or just individually BE

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imagine you’re a robber on a snatch and grab and I'm the father with 3 kids and a glad bag I slide it over your black mask and have you gasp and grab at my hand wont leave it to the courts for a reprimand and have you released to plan another attack on true American's fuck the terrorists in Afghanistan we got killers right here in our "Promised" lands you understand? Got Damn

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Or think about the little boys growing up in convents and used like little toys thinking it was God's choice coming from the voice of those vigorously employed by the sinless steeple of God's chosen people the keepers of evil the deceiver of believers wearing black sleepers and bleached collars imprisoned to your old bitch your DOG-ma as you touch and corrupt imposing as a father to the bastard children of God's followers...

And GOVERNMENT how the fuck did they go without punishment? And no one stopped to throw a fit? Just move them to a secluded convent and that’s the end of it? Hahaha ya'll mutha fuckas a trip... But you can still get bent or get bit by the poisonous tip of my pen and eat shit with a shovel right before I use it to bury the corruptible


What? Did what I say stir up trouble, burst your bubble, leave your beliefs swimming in rubble? Look in my eyes with your hand out see if I give a shit... I meant every bit of it just give me the pro-molesting side of the argument and I'll quit… let you have your 2 cents to vent as I place pennies over your lids to pay the boat man his tip for the long trip to Hades live in flame after you make like Kirk Kobain and drain all of your life away... what the fuck else can I say??...


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