Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Egoic Kaleidoscope

Tired of my pen being corrupted in the name of egoic pride
I choose to survive by the vibes that I live by
inside of my mind I deliver my word in good time

and normally...

it comes out just fine…
but lately…
things have been a little less saintly...

and all my castles crumbled on wet ink,
painting pictures as shattered dreams escape me

silent screams of misery take me to new designs of cryptic creating that mirror the same things depicted when making an ass of yourself while doing great things...

Cuz you see...

I've walked down the road of good intentions only to receive a rash from the back lash of self righteous indignation coming to task on my ass...

Haha "Pride" it seems... Is still a 'lie' I can't 'truth' away...

Still a beast I struggle to keep caged as it feasts on the morality that god gave...

Why I gotta be better?
When I was just fine before I had you to compare...
How is my work less polished?
How is my shine a little dimmer?

When I was at my best when I was by myself,

spinning in black holes
grinning at death like we just met and...
sinning my life away...

On that slip and slide of life with two kaleidoscopes over my eyes pressed tight...

(As I am the observer of beautiful forms...)

My binoculars to another world sliding at night... Faster and faster... Feel wet water and sun light

licking my senses as I pass from one world to the next...

...With a grin on my face...

How's that taste?

As I grant you images of Denis the Menace's sliding and slipping along your senses with thought forms and sentences...

Collide-OH-scoping 2 worlds eloping when you join me on my journey of me...

...Just for a little while we can be free...
...But only a moment and no more...

The journey down my slip and slide can leave your ass sore
as you bump and bounce and slide some more...

Down the path that isn't yours... Until you collide with an onyx door...

Can you survive my metaphor? Good. Because the ride has come to an end and you are faced with a choice my friends...

Open... Or ...Go

we all come to the clearing at the end of the path the ride was fun but could not last as all of our scars are windows to past until we are transparent incased in glass...

Even the clearing is fun for awhile
replaying dreams to remember and smile

but sooner or later we come to the choice...
Fade to nothing a dream on your voice...

...or erase the past...




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