Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Don’t Want A Moment

I'll just write what comes to mind

Heart and soul, body and mind

True love is all I wanted to find

But to much to ask

And I didn't deserve it

All except the intangible spirit

I feel you there the upsides and down

I know You only needed someone around

But it couldn't be me

I couldn't be free

You couldn't look past

the past for me

to see the future

the pleasure in store

it happened too slow

you wanted more

he was right

I cannot provide

The life you live

The home you reside

But I have something

That no other can give

A reason to smile

A reason to live

I've given you something that I cannot be returned

To hold it myself…

I'd only get burned

The heart of my fire

And the fire of my heart

I don't want to feel

If we must be apart

Take all my love

And the pain that comes with it

Ill keep the formless, intangible spirit

The strength to keep going

And the longing with in

To let fear rule love

Can only be sin

I cannot beg you

I cannot fight

To just spend one more

Glorious night

I don't want a moment

A fraction of bliss

I want to live forever

Within your soft kiss

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