Monday, November 17, 2008

Never Understanding

It appeals to the night side of my lifeless moon

To entrap my soulless wonder before the high noon

Day brought discovery

The night my acceptance

This year of the following

and rapturing decadence

The questions left ringing

If ears hear thoughtless

The mourning their bringing

As I cry to confess this

Why so cryptic?

My life black and white

The lie here is darkness

Upon minds blight

Come here and see me

Stranded in gray

Look upon the sunset

Of rebels last day

Death to the romance

Kill the fool now

Sweat dark with blood

Upon sorrows brow

Does this make things clear?

Or just frighten your senses

Love holds to fear

By popular consensus

You won't understand this

And neither will I

"You'll live to regret this…"

The rebel screams and dies.

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