Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Won't Do

Trust in nothing other than the formless
Accept that I am Disappointing to myself
Accept that I may never live up to the image I have of me
Accept that my thoughts keep me a slave to reality
Accept that my emotions are shackles that will never let me free
Accept that my only escape may be within my own nightmares
Scaring me into believing that I live
When its all such a hollow illusion
It's all such an elaborate lie
Living a slave then dying as one
I wasted so much time
Trying to be aware of my own consciousness
Discovery leaving me wholly unsatisfied
Even my only hope of something more
Seems like a far fetched dream
Because why would death be any different?
Than the life I've wasted so far?
The only thing that’s left to do
Is try and impart this precious lie
To those that come after me
And hope that they believe it
Hope they never realize
That God does exist
He just doesn't care
How can I explain to them
That the devil is here as well
Living within all of us
Creating our personal hell
The only redemption I see
Is the one thing I'll never do
Learn to forgive myself
Before my time is through
My ever present sun sated madness
My porcelain face plastered with laughless
Staring through black holed nothing
Refusing to see what the unnatural bring
Soul locked tight I wont allow it to sing
Another bright heart swelling ballad
Turns to tear jerking night time cries
Fed up with everyone's' smiling liesBecause even a porcelain mask can dieWhen faced with changing cloudless skies
Chain me behind the sun rise
So I will never see those eyes
Dark like me
Won’t leave me be
Soon you'll see
My soul set free
Leaving all
To take the fall
And I'm scared
Because when you look into the abyss
It shifts its sight to look back at you
Then right through you
Making you cold
And erasing the fated
The predestined end
Comes so belated
Testing all of my patience
As I look for one last great adventure
One last test
Before I become
Deaths tenure...

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