Friday, December 12, 2008


Still silent night you are my solace…

Starless during the frozen winter

The cold is a comforting reflection

I don't feel the bite

And I don't shut it out

I welcome the chilly numbness with a smile

As the pain fades with the fire

And the embers cool to memories

Leaving a scar upon the cold earth

No longer a comparison of my self worth

But a reminder of my diminishing blunders

Giving me the strength to move on…

I look beyond to empty night sky wonders

Hoping that you're not already gone…

Leaving me to my bitter night succor

Not wanting to fill that void

But still left wanting more…

Than a life better now destroyed

Scattered and strewn across a land of faded dreams

Haunting memories and broken hearted screams

This land of the gone

The land of the wrong

This land of a voice

With a pale echoed song …

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