Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Poetic Vision

Amidst the bloodied fields of past

And closely knitted skies of gray

The poetic vision understood at last

Turning back upon the day

Darkness feeds upon the gloom

Leaving not a breath of room

Between the spaces of these places

The light will not be coming soon

To this chlosterphobic mind

Sightless men all laugh in kind

And all madmen delight and swoon

Disappearing epitaphs

When the sun appears at noon

No words spoken at dawns light

Fearful of returning sight

But how we sing and dance delight

Upon the moon and starry night

Returning to the ancient cradle

Without the fear of a living label

Intangible existence so unstable

With the rise of the eastern star

And darkness coming oh so far

Will we once again see light?

Or live immortal in a starless night

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting Better

I'm getting better at this

At this cold heartedness

Getting better with stress

And all my duress

Getting better at sleeping alone again

Getting better at not sleeping

I get better at handling everything

Like a lone feather

In the wind

Blown in all directions

Floating with no resistance

To begin itself again

Better to be blown

Then pushed

Better to leave

Then rushed

Better to fall

Than trust

A firm grip on reality

A must

Can't get to caught up

In dreaming

But still I hear you

Out there screaming

But all my eyes see

is a turning back

And then you leaving

My mind is trapped

I'm not believing

My heart is crushed

With all the deceiving

I can't help but feeling…

Your absence

The loss

The remembrance

Of our dance

A life of chance

That was so surreal

No definitions

To how I feel

Now the dark

Is so unreal

Cause in my mind

I see the light

The memory

Of eyes so kind

Fading to sight

Over and over

No cover of night

Could deny that smile

If only I can remake myself…

Worth while

But I'm getting better
Accepting that we are never

And that what we had
will live forever
Timeless in a memory
sacred in those times so free

When life was still

And we could

You got me twisted

Is a lying smile happy?

Is this freedom you speak of free?

No boundary no walls just misery…

The lie is the mask you place on your face

The memories of the past erased

Be something your not…. Fine…

But you forget that my heart is not mine

It exists somewhere far behind the present line

When the feelings

Were returned in kind

Instead of patient love that's blind

How dare you…

Think I twisted in mind

When you're there…

And I'm here

Forced to live in fear

Of your silence…

Only making a sound to defend your mask

Be honest….

Wasn't that all you asked?

Instead you chose to live a lie

And let love drift on by

And I am forced

To drown in truth….

Freedom…. HA!

More like a noose…

Live in your material kingdom

Claiming I have freedom

Was I just a fairy tale?

Just a fantasy

To briefly set your tired mind free

Only to leave the story unfinished

And donate the book to charity

To those you feel deserve it more

I've become a hand me down

Once more reminding me of my emotional poverty

Set my heart on the shelf labeled "for sale as is"

Test me God…

I failed your quiz

I know longer want to live…

In this divine experiment

Take me to nothing

Take me empty

End the pain and set me free

Of all these things I've claimed to be…

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Meeting You

Meeting you

In anticipated sadness

With wandering hearts

Hearts of madness

Wandering hearts

In winters chill


For natures will

Traveling blindly

With no free will

Looking for shelter

A way point

Along the path

To the clearing at the end

A place of nothing

Where all wounds mend

And scars are cleared

Forgetting all we thought to fear

Gathering up every tear

Including all that we held dear

Until a time

That we begin

Starting this path

All over again

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dirty Floor

Basking in apocalyptic silence
So full of heart but prone to violence
Tears fall like angels with broken wings
Fear swells like the echoes of the devil as he sings
Reflecting off my burned out existence
I love….
But can't finish the sentence
And for all of my resistance…
I'm trapped…
Trapped in this life
Trapped in my mind
Trapped in your sight
And fallen into the memory of those eyes…
So kind…
Terrified of your smiling lies
I die again with belief
Thank God for
Amnesiac relief
Of the pain when I fall
Tripping over broken glass
And crumpled paper balls
I see the irony of the litter on the floor
And laugh….
And I laugh even more.
Realizing that I'm just one more paper ball
Lying on your dirty floor…
Next to the wasted basket
And broken hearted fragments
I will not cry realizing I fit the definition of "crumpled"
Lying still in a bent position after having tumbled
I laugh…
Because you dance on broken glass
I laugh…
As you are drained of smiling lies
And you shut your kind dark eyes
And bleeding…
Their way into the past.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Battlefield of Broken Hearted Bodies

Of all the hearts you've slain

Was mine just more of the same?

Will you even remember my name?

When even my screams fade and die

Echoing this battlefield of broken hearted bodies…

God was not here today…

My prayers… they went unheard

Lying beneath a sky of gray

Death… a lesson that I've learned

I guess even promises become lies with time

I guess there will always be questions

But no answers will I find

Lying in this battlefield of broken hearted bodies…

You have my heart

And now I fade

Disappear within my grave

On this battlefield of lies

You won't hear my weakened cries

Still within this battlefield of broken hearted bodies…

The sounds of lust within your ears

My whispers are only forlorn fears

Of a life you couldn't follow

Put love off until tomorrow

If the sun will ever rise

Trapped behind your smiling eyes

You'll find me there…

Dying on the battlefield of broken hearted bodies…