Monday, January 12, 2009

Dirty Floor

Basking in apocalyptic silence
So full of heart but prone to violence
Tears fall like angels with broken wings
Fear swells like the echoes of the devil as he sings
Reflecting off my burned out existence
I love….
But can't finish the sentence
And for all of my resistance…
I'm trapped…
Trapped in this life
Trapped in my mind
Trapped in your sight
And fallen into the memory of those eyes…
So kind…
Terrified of your smiling lies
I die again with belief
Thank God for
Amnesiac relief
Of the pain when I fall
Tripping over broken glass
And crumpled paper balls
I see the irony of the litter on the floor
And laugh….
And I laugh even more.
Realizing that I'm just one more paper ball
Lying on your dirty floor…
Next to the wasted basket
And broken hearted fragments
I will not cry realizing I fit the definition of "crumpled"
Lying still in a bent position after having tumbled
I laugh…
Because you dance on broken glass
I laugh…
As you are drained of smiling lies
And you shut your kind dark eyes
And bleeding…
Their way into the past.

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