Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting Better

I'm getting better at this

At this cold heartedness

Getting better with stress

And all my duress

Getting better at sleeping alone again

Getting better at not sleeping

I get better at handling everything

Like a lone feather

In the wind

Blown in all directions

Floating with no resistance

To begin itself again

Better to be blown

Then pushed

Better to leave

Then rushed

Better to fall

Than trust

A firm grip on reality

A must

Can't get to caught up

In dreaming

But still I hear you

Out there screaming

But all my eyes see

is a turning back

And then you leaving

My mind is trapped

I'm not believing

My heart is crushed

With all the deceiving

I can't help but feeling…

Your absence

The loss

The remembrance

Of our dance

A life of chance

That was so surreal

No definitions

To how I feel

Now the dark

Is so unreal

Cause in my mind

I see the light

The memory

Of eyes so kind

Fading to sight

Over and over

No cover of night

Could deny that smile

If only I can remake myself…

Worth while

But I'm getting better
Accepting that we are never

And that what we had
will live forever
Timeless in a memory
sacred in those times so free

When life was still

And we could

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