Monday, January 5, 2009

The Battlefield of Broken Hearted Bodies

Of all the hearts you've slain

Was mine just more of the same?

Will you even remember my name?

When even my screams fade and die

Echoing this battlefield of broken hearted bodies…

God was not here today…

My prayers… they went unheard

Lying beneath a sky of gray

Death… a lesson that I've learned

I guess even promises become lies with time

I guess there will always be questions

But no answers will I find

Lying in this battlefield of broken hearted bodies…

You have my heart

And now I fade

Disappear within my grave

On this battlefield of lies

You won't hear my weakened cries

Still within this battlefield of broken hearted bodies…

The sounds of lust within your ears

My whispers are only forlorn fears

Of a life you couldn't follow

Put love off until tomorrow

If the sun will ever rise

Trapped behind your smiling eyes

You'll find me there…

Dying on the battlefield of broken hearted bodies…

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