Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Poetic Vision

Amidst the bloodied fields of past

And closely knitted skies of gray

The poetic vision understood at last

Turning back upon the day

Darkness feeds upon the gloom

Leaving not a breath of room

Between the spaces of these places

The light will not be coming soon

To this chlosterphobic mind

Sightless men all laugh in kind

And all madmen delight and swoon

Disappearing epitaphs

When the sun appears at noon

No words spoken at dawns light

Fearful of returning sight

But how we sing and dance delight

Upon the moon and starry night

Returning to the ancient cradle

Without the fear of a living label

Intangible existence so unstable

With the rise of the eastern star

And darkness coming oh so far

Will we once again see light?

Or live immortal in a starless night

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