Monday, November 30, 2009

Because I Have To

Demanding poetic competence
Words being our only offense
Against evil lyrical ignorance
A league against incompetence
Ever expanding our consciousness
Taking all that we want from this
And that is why I write like this
Just my way of making sense
Of a world that fails at promised bliss
Just do the fucking math dude
I don't care if these words seem rude to you
I write this shit because I have to
Not caring what the others do
Other wise I'm just another guy
That looked right by
The pretty plastic lies
No my words aren't shy
Their meant to be a surprise
To open up your blind eyes
To a metaphor
That you've never seen or heard before
Leaving your mind a little sore
But keeps you running back for more
And the leagues got plenty left in store
So what again do we do it for?
We do it for the masses
Who witness others of another color
Have advantages in racist classes
For a young mind that’s strong
Who never did anything wrong
Other than birth to a poor mans song
Punishing those who don’t know the lyrics
To the music that echoes inside the bricks
As long as my heart pumps ink
I'll never stop to think
I'll never even blink
Before the oppressive minds sink
As a society we are standing on the brink
Of a new age...
Where truth is printed on every page
Where the majority have seniority
Over the ashy sight of conformity
Creating a small degree of normalcy
While awareness is sleeping dormantly
Again I don't write this just to please you
I write this shit because I have to...

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