Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Catastrophe

With your myspace pages

False projecting fake ages

And impossible made up wages

You born from the self

With a small's'

Egomaniacal persecution

Of self reliable

Projected prisons

And don't you wish you were livin

Like the culture stars

That made it far

On their parents money

And I find it funny

How the poor pay riches

To enrich their lives

In tattered stitches

Then whine like little bitches

Because they're dreams wound up in gutter ditches

I guess their designer sunglasses finally got too big for their face

Falling to the ground in such a way

That those you chose to save face

Can finally look into your eyes

And see that your lives

Were built on lies

And disgrace…

I realize

That what you need

Is to spiritually

Enrich your mind

With deep humility

And it's a sin to me

To see my kids living

In mediocrity

Better that

Than a lack

Of humanity

Because your vanity

Prevents you from

Understanding me

But how can it be

That I too fall victim to society

Leaving me to chastise

My own blind eyes


I irreverently encode

My perception of reality

To behold and mold

My own soul

On life's tapestry

I seek mastery

Over this self made catastrophe

That is all of me…

I dissolved to be

More evolved and free

But finding

My mind too involved

With face painted smiling

Of daily life's grinding

That my poetry

Is in slow motion

When my feelings

Could fill oceans

With my emotions

I'm with holding

From grabbing hold of dream

From making life seem

So much harder

Than it has to be…

...That's My Catastrophe

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