Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I write today inspired by your lies...

Deception runs evident...

In rivulets decent from ocular madness
I deciphered the patterns from your water falling caverns

trickling its last drop into pools along our feet
salt burning the cuts from our rat race ragged pursuit of bitterness's sweet
symphonic sodomy punishing along the inside of all of me...

Why chase feathers decorated with shards of 'forever after'
when the scars left behind breezed along with the echoed laughter of my devoured countenance...
Wintered expressions wither further with deceptions...

As my smile hibernates along the edges of due north...
Truth bitch... Can you seek it? NO... "of course not"

shy away from reality as the ego cannot be fought
just deprived of all thought or has all cognitive reasoning been tossed up and forgot?

Smoke some marijuana or has all of "loves seasoning" been lost amongst the rot?
Call it what you wanna but I'm still dreaming of a moment long since forgotten...

Slipping along the revelry of my brainwaves behaving as children at play
teeter tottering on a merry go round ...

...As a thousand voices screaming being my only back drop of sound...

So cry those tears...

Even as your mask plots an attack
the cold logic facts wont push back the traps you lay for your reasoning...

Because sometimes even seeing doesn’t equate to believing...

And you lost your faith in me...

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