Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Egoic Trinity ('I Am')

Filthy animal 'I am'... I stole the gift of over-grand-standing from Intelligent Designs my crimes range from those of the inhumane to those of the insane as every thought is a wish upon the universe...

You see 'I am' master of this game... The riddler, the one-verse, the new verse, the pale horse and the stretch hearse. The pen with a sickle starts to trickle a little life on life made simple...

Then more complex as I flex and digest the unrest of a billion souls laid to rest and yes... I will test that intellect into "X's" and "Checks" with balances not met yet, all for a promise to never scribe my best yet.

Because 'I am' a beastly creature mentally scared like horror features for thought processes... The eastern star teacher... My nightmare reaching deep for the keeper of secrets... 'I am' the seeker of deep seeded dreams...

'I am' Realities rip torn at the seams as I set fire to the emerald curtain and scream into the faces of false prophets spittin' vomit peppered to taste like wanton lust with the smell of dust as He breathed life into all of us...

But everyone just trust... And sleep sound... No one will rape you when the laws not around... No one will leave him dead on the ground... Just trust... The only being that cares is 'us'

That’s why 'I am' the manifestation of religious blood lust come full circle to bite the tails of tales in the bud-ding blossoms of a good mans wails :UH:

'I am' the sad clown turned wicked, the juggler of jugulars and I ripped it from the throats of poets in 16 bars don’t quote it yet because I'm not finished stacking cold dishes on the proverbial plate of my revenge, bitches...

'I am' the darkness twisted the chaotic heart beats demented to the rhythms of always smiling women, eyes wide open in intimate moments for fear of love stroking the life outta me

So Fly with me... Vibe with me... Ride with me on the waves of free speaking seas and breath life with me... For 'I am' you... And you are me... Combined with darkness... To form the... Essence of humanities Egoic Trinity...

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