Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Like To Pretend...

I like to pretend...

That there is no tomorrow with out there being an "US"

like I would die in my sleep
as the warmth cooled from your imprint
and left me stranded in disbelief
as the world stood still for me...

For without the light that gave birth to our connection
the world would grow dark and turn the opposite direction...

...All of existence would sit stop and look
as the daylight flipped like a new page in an old book.

I like to pretend...

That there is no ending without our beginning...
Like Armageddon's fire merely lit the candle light on our night stand ...

Like tasting each others heavenly desires
before we unleash hell by the glow of hearth fires...

...Burning alongside our sin and devotion
like the world burning along the edge of its oceans and I pretend...

...And I dream...

I envision a love without end or freeze
a love that carries through the strife like wings to a breeze
with a passion that transcends all time and disease
an ever last bastion over shadowing dark watered seas

In similar fashion to your gazes reaction...
A welcome distraction from the cold in my soul...

... As my heart melts away with me...

And I pretend... And sometimes I forget...

...That I'm gifted...

Not talented or special but spiritually lifted...

I guess the lord knew I would need a flame in the night, a ghost in the dark,
a spark to carry through the gloom when my heart would fall apart.

But I remember times... So many times...

I sat trapped inside my head...
...a prisoner wrapped within the confines of his own personal dread...

But you were there for me...

...Or so I pretend.

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