Friday, December 11, 2009

I See Him Weep...

Diseased where we live
Sickened by the lives
Trust in hellos
And long winded good byes
We are the keepers
Of our souls and the steeple
"Didn't I tell you?... You are all sons of God"
Thy kingdom of heaven lies within you…
So why do I cry to a God that’s not in you?
Why should I feel this separation?
This disconnection from Godly Divination
And all your mouth pieces
Strike gold within nations
All for a man
And his last palpitation…
I hear him weep…
While the innocent child starves inside your mission
And you wonder why the congregation didn't listen
The body of Christ clothed with the intention
To sacrifice the lamb on an alter of circumvention
And I hear Him weep…
Sacrifice me and save the lamb
To be honest I could give a got damn
If you sent me there to meet the man
Because you still hang him on crosses
Around your necks
In your churches
Praying for the day
The closing of curtains
I chose to celebrate life
Even though its uncertain
So… condemn me
To false prophecy
Cast stones at me
While I strive to be
More like him
And less like you
Waiting for the day
I'll learn what's true
Cause right now
I don’t understand
And isn't that the fucking point?

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