Friday, December 11, 2009

My Mind Writes With Both Hands

My mind writes with both hands I'm literarily ambidextrous, similarly I'm infectious, and the words I use can be disastrous… but don't think me uncompassionate, I just have a severe low tolerance, for linear based ignorance, freebasing stimulants, and the worlds unholy militants. I combat attacks, and I'm constantly on the come back, from undermining, lying, smiling but I'm not denying, I'm like teeth on X I'm grinding. With both hands I'm writing, to keep my mind in hiding, to keep my demons leashed, before I unleash the fury of my intellectual beast, who eats raw meat off the rich mans greed, with both hands I drink, the souls of those who try and uphold, their self righteous beliefs imposed, on a populace like dr. Lovelace. With both hands I'm taking all of it. Left or right, I write my sin, my soul so versatile, my pen writes from both ends. My left hand gets 8 stars, but my right hand gets 10. "Today Chaotic V got challenged poetically, but no one knew that he was Noetically, altering minds hypnotically". All you haters get off of me, with both hands my thoughts brought reality, to a readers mind in time to see, that this worlds not what it was thought it to be…

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