Friday, December 11, 2009

Insubstantial Reality

I see so many things… yet so much escapes me
Tearing down walls it brings an opportunity for things to rape me
I Involved my heart in the insubstantiality of reality
Disappointing me to the point that I think
I may drink myself into the substantiality of a false reality…

Reliving wake but dreaming screaming unrest unseemly and blurred cartoons chews up brains washing up in blood filled drains I can't take it too much pain drink it away I swim in blood gutters pouring down rain I surrender… all that’s in me I SURRENDER!!! Laughing in the face of my dream turned nightmare how a false reality caused fatalities and honest memories become a scarcity when living in the nightmare city of my Substantiality. Lights are on but nobodies there to see the inherent cruelty of a society of hypocrisy and in a daze I see my own face hurling falsity in the faces of those who come by it honestly… I drink blood red drink its all such a blur to see the thoughts of me coming softly then drifting off from me… blood drunk lust of darkness encompassing all of us but fading in and out constantly fabrics of reality getting thinner and thinner by using blood thinners making lights dimmer lives so much simpler…

Forgiving... being forgiven… the softness of life is sometimes lost to us when we trip over the jagged corners of the more… substantial pathways of our individual realities.

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