Friday, December 11, 2009

Angels Of Death (A Chaotic Virgo And PureBlack Collaboration)


Darkness in this underworld, blood and pure carnage,
Hades stolen bodies, deep down they're buried,
Torn skin and flesh hanging, skulls pure white exposed,
Welcome to the doom filled with walking bloody demons,
The son of Chronus and Rhea, I helped defeated the Titans,
Now an ultimate ruler of the universe, master of the underworld,
They nickname me the Grim Reaper, and I'm coming to take your soul,
Making the fall to hell so much steeper, as I sink my scythe deeper,
Angel of death sucking out your last breath, I'm so unseen,
As I bear my helmet of invisibility, you've been living deceitful,
and now life has lost it's meaning, a piece of you in my hand, walking away grinning,
Welcome helm of darkness, PureBlack and Chaotic Virgo instant massacre,

Chaotic Virgo:

Pouring from damnation four horsemen riding strong
I possess the scrolls for whom the bell tolls thought to be lost and gone
Horsemen riding putting light in hiding nights becoming long
Clashing together to form the nether merging becoming one
A flash of death and pestilence war joining hands with conquest
The Lords unrest created the best of 4 worlds conjoined in violence
The hand of dark justice clenches its fist as I come forth from silence
I look to see dark righteous anger standing with his scythe
A smile on his skinless face holding a soul to devour
A grin within my fiery eyes... you cowards run and hide
Together we will rule this place the hand has struck the hour.


Lynching worthless souls, building a death tower,
As we designate the abode of the dead,
Three headed monsters in place to guard them,
We're just the deathless gods for your child,
For he who tries to cheat death, don't cross us,
We send black animals to come and play retriever,
And precious minerals come from under the earth,
Glorifying, feeling the wrath of death, yet still rich,
With your blood as it spills and waterfalls down these walls,
As I loathed in gifts from Cyclopes, as the horses gallops,
I ride through on this dark chariot, zombie horses,
Souls shaken, bodies stand stiff stuck in fearsome,
I just tossed them the cloak of death, made easy,
blood splatters and burnt smoke rises, tongue licks bloody lips,
as you can barely glimpse, his structure, here's Chaotic.V, fellow angel of death,

Chaotic Virgo:

The ashes of the damned inhaled, black testament my breath
Eyes of holy fire, and my body wrapped in shadows
The sinful are my favorite dinner, I feed upon the gallows
Pass a soul to PureBlack the reaper, sharing in the dish
Give your soul to feed the Keeper, death your only wish
Don't think me biased, I'll take the innocent as well
The sinful are the finest though, souls taste better from hell
I stand before a temptress virgin, stealing the hearts of men
Inciting the heart of man to stray, leaving their spirit in sin
The last of which was my kiss of death, leaving the mark of the beast
Scavengers of the damned now joined in on the virgin feast
With the power of Sadom and Gamora, I crush the devils children
Knocking down your towers of power, to heaven you tried to build them
Now its time to walk in Chaotics path, and feel PureBlacks wrath
This world has become so black with hate, sinners, YOU do the math
Here we stand, two angels, fallen, death now our occupation
There is no job to big or small, one soul or an entire nation
We clean this world of filth until the mountains run red with blood
We shouldn't enjoy our jobs but still Got Damn It Its been fun!

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