Thursday, May 6, 2010


So what now?
Time comes and goes leaving us in the throws of aging woes
without the capacity to know how much we individually have grown…
taking a look in the mirror to show

my own eyes how quickly the fires died inside my mind I grind
my sanity down to fine granules inside the hourglass becoming sands of time
that flow to the bottom of my soul and roll out of existence with the force of a dying sun
screaming to the depths of dark waters and manifesting into pearls inside the mouths of shadows

until the gleaming nightmares of a dying memory
wake me from my night time revelry
stealing the light from inside of me
until the very thought of happiness is blind to me

but just before the darkness settles in my mind I see
the last granules of a smile disappear forever into the dark waters of my imagining
leaving me
in an amnesiac state of dreaming
longing to be free
from all that’s left within me...

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