Thursday, May 6, 2010

I See You God

So much rage and pain inside
I don’t know why I fade before day
nothing to say but stay away

a lonely heart cant hate
and an angry mind only sates
itself on the misery of the pure

I couldn’t tell you I'm really not sure
how I hooked my life on the lure
fishing in the dark waters of my own existence
I only seek redemption from penance
but pull out hatred in the semblance
of a ghost who wanders the shores of my thoughts
laying to rot all the good things I sought
and with all the old man has taught
he forgot to mention that wisdom cant be bought
only sold to the lowest bidder as I take another shot
I sold my wisdom to Jose and Jack to crown royal and pot
begging for ignorance to make my thoughts stop

how am I supposed to be happy when you made me this smart
exchanging my heart for an intellect from the start
old man I think you made a mistake
as I remake my fate I try and relate
to a deity that invented hate without any debate
from the inhabitants of your habitat

what kind of shit is that?

I think creationism needs an edit button
I think I need to see you DO somethin'

Its not all your fault though...
There is plenty of evidence suggested to us
that we as humans don't know what's best for us
but why are you constantly testing us?
Setting us up in front of a moving bus
only to be silent as we slowly lose trust
in a religion that’s gone bust
but believe in you I must
because you made the devil when you created us...

I see you God I know you're there
its not that I don’t believe
I just don’t think you care

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