Saturday, August 23, 2008

At Last

I sit with arms out
Trying to embrace a memory
My arms close on air
Can't look past reality
But still I see
All that used to be
A breath, a smile, a kiss
To set me free
The world and my imagination
Fuck it, it's all the same
I sit here wounded alone
Dying for your name
I look around at emptiness
No one around to blame
Insults hurled upon deaf walls
Fighting a reflection
Until the day she calls
A story that's not quite finished
erasing the ending where life diminished
With tears I write the last chapter
Eloquent and smooth,
But words fail to capture
The light, and happiness
of the last pages rapture
An end to this story
An end to all my rage
Words etched in blood
Upon the final page
And now I close the book
Taking away all of my pain
Closing my eyes to a storm
Of sorrows final rain
Residual shadows of
a memory that's passed
Brought on by a setting sun
ending this day,
at last.

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