Saturday, August 23, 2008

Don't Drink And Drive.....

Your screams scare me.....

I can see only darkness but still I hear
Broken limbs refuse to set me free
Too much pain to cry, too shocked to fear
Your shrill cry is all that I perceive

until the smell of flesh forces my stomach to turn
Reality hits me and still I cannot believe
Today is your birthday.... Candles are the only things that burn

somebody please help my dad!!!
A weak moan is all that comes out
Firelight flicker's beyond my eye lids as the beast grows more mad
Can't move or see or even manage to shout

Death continues to burn, the scream consumes my mind
Slowly I move my hand to wipe away at my face
Glass, dirt, and blood are what my fingers find
Cleaning a path to vision with hands devoid of grace

Swollen eyelids raise to a reality that can only be hell
The devil consumes him slowly enjoying the taste of his soul
Tasting the floor board then legs relishing in the smell
Death laughs at me toying with the life it stole

He throws his head up full concentration now on his cries
my mind filled with his cries and all sanity left me
Pain going unnoticed, open eyes without sight, his torment all I know
I feel his pain through his cries and sense the madness grow

I've forgotten my name, why I'm here, and even to take a breath
The screams and the smells of flesh remain, testament of death
Death please bring suffering to an end quicken torments time
I beg the devil to take a life but was it my fathers or mine?

The last words of my father rose from my personal hell
"Remember...." A cruel joke it seems, I remember all too well
years later I'm still a child awaiting death, but I only get a stare
Now I live death every time I sleep within a prison of a nightmare

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