Saturday, August 23, 2008


I have awakened....

Seen through the lies
the scenery that drifts by
in a blur of deception
i have lived with false perception

A hope that never existed
a dream that wasnt real
morals learned but twisted
and through it all i feel


I slowly loosed my grip on a fake reality
i gaze upon a reflection that is only me

I no longer see the shadows that stand behind
misguided teachings of a family thats blind

Damaged in the name of love
ive forgiven and stare up above

at the void that fills the gap within
the emptiness thats become my only friend

I sit and i stare
at a face that isnt there
to tell me they care
or give a judging glare

a life without labels
or words to express
exactly who i am
in this void of lonliness

I sit and i stare
at a life that belongs to me
I stand and walk away
down a path that sets me free

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