Saturday, August 23, 2008

Forgiveness Path

held hostage by life
judgments serve as chains
wrapped around my heart
I can't breathe
ridicule and criticism
fill my lungs instead of air
the love in my heart
reflected the hate in your eyes
insults instead of hugs
served as last goodbyes
now you are a shadow
I run but the memories follow
you chase me
trying to wrap me
in a prisons embrace
in shackles
I laughed in your face
not at your advice
but at your hypocrisy
not everyone forgets
as easily as you
so simple to let your own
indiscretions slip through
down between the cracks
of your own failed existence
I ducked and dodged
out of the way
from the misery that filled
and poured over the edge
of your countenance
I swerved when hate was
flung in my direction
made a mountain of
a single indiscretion
so quick to judge me
when I wasn't in
the court room
I lie and you live a lie
filling your life
with false redemption
burying the past
underneath Prozac
but we all don't forget
as easily as you
some wounds never heal
scars serve as reminders
telling me what is real
I have a bandage for David
and one for Shawn
and one for my Sister
while I was gone
you couldn't stop
you misery and hate
not even when your
daughters life was at stake
and oh I remember
the lies that you told
trying to make yourself
out to look the saint
the wounds are still there
but now I'm blind
to your hate filled stare
my heart maybe bruised
but still I care
my love is unconditional
always has been always will
what's to become of us now
that there's no more memories to kill
live our lives without the
shadows of the past
with dreams of the future
where love will last
and not drift away
behind all the mistakes
fading in front of
life's cruel lessons
a place where
choices are made
and no more
second guessing
travel with me
down this road
we'll look upon
the scenery this
path brings us
we'll experience
the joy of each
others company
and finally live free
free from judgments
and ridicule,
free of all fear and lies
free of insults, pain
and bad goodbyes
free of everything
that's kept us apart
come and walk with
me down a road to forget
the shadows of the past
please, please, I beg you
walk with me down
forgiveness path

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