Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dead Man Walking

I look down at a man looking backwards.
Existence for him is a lie
Smiling at the people as they shuffle by
Teeth gleaming with propaganda
Lips turned up with falsehood
Happiness being so much easier to explain

I look upon the man as he walks alone
Marching toward a sunset he'll never reach
Every step a memory of the lessons that we teach
Learning to love impossibly by stumbling along the way
Never accepting forever, just one foot in front of the other
Shackled by the sun as it disappears behind the horizon

I see the man dead but looking forward
No longer is he walking, his journey at an end
He sits upon the path that's been his only friend
Gazing past the sun, to somewhere far beyond
The echoes of his last song, are all that you will find
As the sun disappears forever, leaving him behind.

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